Jagalur is semi-urban and backward Taluk of Davangere district, Karnataka state. It is located in the center part of Karnataka. Jagalur is 250 kms away from the capital city Bangalore on backward area towards Hyderabad Karnataka. College is situated in rural areas and most of students belonging to SC/ST and OBC. It is a draught prone and water shortage area. The Taluk has lack of business and there are no industries and irrigation facilitates in the Taluk. It has pre-dominantly rural population with low literacy. More than 70% of the population belongs to scheduled cast, scheduled tribes and backward classes. Majority of the people are agricultural labours and they are very poor.

Till 1982 Pre University passed students had to go at least 50 km for the degree education. So many talented poor students were deprived of higher education. To provide higher education to the rural people at low cost, in the year 1982-83, Jagalur Taluk Nayakara sangha (Reg), belongs schedule tribe community under leadership of late Sreenivasa Nayaka Advocate, and S. B. Thippanayaka a retired teacher, they established a degree college in the memory of late Sri H.C. Boraiah, Ex Transport minister as per Karnataka Govt order No ED.59 WDC 82 dated 10th February, 1983.

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